CH. My Darling Golden Eddy
BRI ny 11
Ch. Wanja-point
v. Wahrberg
BRI ns11 33
GICH.Andy v.Wahrberg
BRI ny11
CH. Lady Di v. Wahrberg
BRI ns11
Nasturzia Peppercats
BRI ny11
CH.Golden Ivanhoe
v. Goldenen Winkel
BRI ny11
ICh. Petunia Snow Queen
BRI ns11
CH. Velvet Joy Oliviya
BRI ns11
GICH. Silver-Joshua
v. Goldenen Winkel
BRI ns 11
Ch. Jadwiga`s Silver Mario Lanza
BRI ns11
ICh. Silver-Nadine
v. Wahrberg
BRI ns11
Ch. The Private Collection Rommi
BRI ns11
GICH. Silver-Joshua
v. Goldenen Winkel
BRI ns 11
Ch. Pearl of Empire`s Zsa-Zsa
BRI ns11