IC Henrich von Hunady`SK
BRI b33
Golden Wolly v. Wahrberg
BRI ny11
GICH.Andy v.Wahrberg
BRI ny11
CH Lady DI v. Wahrberg
BRI as11
Cesmin von Hunady`SK
BRI c33
CH A Blue Nuugget`s Indy
BRI c33
CH Annabell Giovanna`s Hiney DM`SK
BRI a33
CH Elli vom Koberland
BRI c21 33
INEO of Colourpoint
BRI by11 33
High Hesket`s Silver Undercover
Carrie-Lee of Colourpoint
BRI n 21 33
CH Oliviya vom Koberland
BRI c33
CH Willi Petty Smith`CZ
BRI c21 33
Jenny vom Koberland
BRI b33